Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Moving is completely exhausting. And when you are pregnant it seems to become an emotional time as well. And when you are a 4-year old, moving is traumatic.
Everything in the apartment is in chaos and poor Emily is having a hard time adjusting. There are boxes everywhere and she isn't allowed to climb in them, on them, or watch them tip over. All of her favorite pictures have been taken off the walls and she has to help decide what to keep and what to throw away. All of her toys are in boxes and she is running out of things to occupy herself. Mommy is ready to pull her hair out and every time Emily wants attention Mommy is on the phone, signing paperwork, packing boxes, or ready to collapse.
But today we went to our new house for our final walk-through. Aside from being very dirty (which will be taken care of by a maid service Friday morning) the house is great. Emily enjoyed running through the empty rooms and she tried to claim the biggest bedroom as her own. The backyard will be perfect for her. We will need to remove a dead lemon tree and fig tree, but we have already tasted an orange from our own tree and it was delicious. Emily can't wait to bring her bike over and to find her sidewalk chalk and ball so she can play outdoors. She was already jumping up and down in every room----which has been prohibited in our apartment for the last year. It will be nice not having to tell her to stop her gymnastic talents and to talk quietly. She will have freedom at last!
We get the keys to the house tomorrow and then the chaos of the official move begins Friday. Will will pack up the apartment and clean it top to bottom Friday night. Then Saturday morning, bright and early, we unpack the truck into the house and start arranging furniture.
Stressful, exhausting, traumatic. But very satisfying.

1 comment:

The Jenson's said...

WAIT WHAT! Lori is saying an orange tasted good??? You mean YOU actually ate it?
I'm so exited to see your new house too.