Saturday, March 28, 2009


Emily absolutely adores her baby sister. We were trying to capture Megan's little smile and Emily insisted on sharing the spotlight. And the next day she wanted to wear their matching shirts so that everyone could see that they were sisters.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Crazy Hair

Here is Megan right after a bath. Emily enjoys spiking her hair up while it is still wet. When dry it is just pure fluff!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Megan's baby blessing

On March 1st we had Megan's baby blessing at church. She was 2 weeks old and looked adorable in her blessing dress, which was the same one that Grandma had made for Emily. Daddy gave her a sweet blessing and we all went out to Grandma & Grandpa's house for lunch afterwards. What a fun day to celebrate this beautiful baby!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Megan's first bath

Megan does NOT like baths. Once clean, however, her long hair puffs out and won't lay flat again. I love her hair!

My teenage daughter

I have been saying the last couple years that Emily is older than her age...that she acts more like a 16 year old than a preschooler. She slams doors when angry, yells for us to leave her alone, and acts like she owns the world. Here is more proof that she is a teenager at heart:

David & I caught Emily "talking" on her toy cell phone today. She had been laying down on her bed chatting away for a few minutes before we snapped that photo. It was mainly her cousin Kendel that she claims to have been talking to, but also a few other friends from school. Emily then insisted on bringing the phone outside with her "in case she got more calls".