Thursday, May 13, 2010

Emily has been keeping busy

I made a "spring hat" for Kindergarten covered in butterflies

I love running in the backyard

Mommy is teaching me to ride without training wheels

I don't like it very much

I can make cool things with my Magnetix

Fun Times With Megan

Toys don't go in here, heads do

I found Daddy's Shoes

Hey, I've got a belly button

Book Time

My big sister is teaching me how to growl

Innocent till proven guilty

Mothers Day

Just us girls in our spring dresses on Mothers Day.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lost Lost Lost

On Thursday I pulled Emily's tooth out. It has been loose for months (since around Christmas time) and it was starting to point straight out of her mouth with just a push of her tongue. When I picked her up from School last week I noticed it was even hanging lower in her mouth and she looked like some crazy kid with a snaggletooth. And yet she still begged me to wait on pulling it out. She screamed bloody murder the entire time and was a complete drama queen. Of course now she is so happy to have it out and is proud to show EVERYONE her missing tooth (including every person at every store we've been to in the last 4 days).